A very low turnout at a soggy Velodrome for this one, but no real surprise considering the current weather sweeping into the UK which must have put a few off. That didn't cut down the action on track though, captured splendidly by local photographer Nick Davies. As a consequence all the age categories present (three out of our normal four) had to be combined into one 16-man program to simplify the whole procedure and cut out a lot of what would have been messy group races (well done the Orgmeister, Fred Rothwell as always) and the splendid foot soldiers from the home club who stood out in that deluge and made it possible.

I have no information but it looks like Chris Davies had a moment and missed his last two rides, I do hope he's OK, and Nick's photos prove he wasn't the only one to suffer one way or another.

Lukasz Nowacki and Phil Gard continued their dominant race to the titles in the upper age groups, inclement weather doesn't hold back sheer class.





As always, have a scan over these tables and let me know where I've strayed!


